Join us for one of our services at the Zendo: 18005 Vashon Highway SW, Vashon, WA 98070, (previously Island Funeral Services.) Feel free to come 10 minutes early for instruction, or just jump right in.

  • Sunday Service: 10:00am-12pm
    Early Sunday Sit: 8:30-9:30am
  • Monday – Friday: 6:30-7:30am
  • Monday Evening: 7:00-8:45pm
  • Wednesday Evening: 7:00-8:30pm
Join us on Zoom HERE
Email to request password


The Puget Sound Zen Center is a community dedicated to practicing Zen, teaching and living Buddhist principles, supporting a vibrant sangha, and serving our wider community.


Join our newsletter to receive email updates

Weekday Services

We offer services every day.

Weekday mornings
Monday through Friday – 6:30 – 7:30am (in-person at zendo and on Zoom)
Friday mornings coffee and conversation after the sit.

Monday Evening
West Seattle – Fauntleroy Church. 7 to 8:30pm (in-person only)
Vashon – 6:30 to 8:00 pm, three zazen periods (Zoom Only)

Tuesday Evening
7:00 to 8:00pm (Zoom only)

Wednesday Evening
7:00 to 8:00pm (Zoom only)

Thursday Evening
7:00 to 8:00pm (Zoom only)

Friday Evening
7:00 to 8:00pm (Zoom only)

Weekend Services

Morning 8:00 – 8:30 am zazen. 8:30 – 9:00 Qi Gong with Anshin (Zoom only)
Evening – 7:00 to 8:00pm (Zoom only)

Morning 8:30 to 9:30am, and 10:00am to noon, which includes a dharma talk (zendo and Zoom). The second Sunday of the month is a half-day sit starting at 7:00am and proceeding through the 8:30am and 10:00am sits until noon.
Evening No Service

Abbot Koshin Cain offers dokusan on Sundays when he’s in town. Eko Jeff Kelley offers dokusan on occasional Sundays as well.

You may join us online at Request the password in an email to Access our chant book here. First time? Find out what to expect here. All welcome.


Dokusan is a confidential meeting with a Zen teacher to discuss practice. It is open to all members of PSZC. Sign up for a 15 minute slot with Koshin here. Please sign up at least a day in advance.

Both Eko Jeff Kelley and Koshin offer in-person dokusan on Sundays when they are available.  Sign-ups on Sundays happen the day of, at the zendo.

Upcoming Events

Annually, the Zen Center holds one 7-day residential retreat, one 4-day non-residential zazenkai, four day-sits, and monthly half-day sits. We also have informal one-hour Introduction to Zen sessions on the first Saturday of each month (10AM in the zendo), and a dharma studies series in the Fall. We also have many one-off events throughout the year. Find out more on our Events page.

Zen Stories