Join us for one of our services at the Zendo: 18005 Vashon Highway SW, Vashon, WA 98070, (previously Island Funeral Services.) Feel free to come 10 minutes early for instruction, or just jump right in.

  • Sunday Service: 10:00am-12pm
    Early Sunday Sit: 8:30-9:30am
  • Monday – Friday: 6:30-7:30am
  • Monday Evening: 7:00-8:45pm
  • Wednesday Evening: 7:00-8:30pm
Join us on Zoom HERE
Email to request password


There are many ways to be involved with the Sangha.

Food Bank Garden

Shuko holding a cut cabbage in front of her garden.

Dirt, sweat, and growing things – we love it. Thanks to the passionate and robust efforts of Shuko Sissel Johannessen the PSZC now supports an impressive vegetable garden for the Vashon Food Bank.

Generally Shuko and others are in the garden every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 2:00-4:00pm.  People are invited to stop by then or work an hour whenever they have time.  There are a few tools on site, but feel free to bring your own.

Please contact Shuko Sissel Johannessen at for directions to the garden or to discuss ideas for the garden or any questions you might have.


Our four ordained lay monks wearing black robes with greenery behind them.

Ordination is a lifelong commitment to the Dharma.  It is a chance to mature one’s practice over a long stretch of time, with the help of a teacher and sangha.  It is a public commitment to practice diligently, to maintain the Zen tradition, and to share it with others.  When a person is ordained, he or she begins to formally represent the Zen tradition and their home temple.

Read more about the qualifications, training and general guidelines for ordination here.


The precepts orient a practitioner’s heart toward noticing the effects their actions have on others.

In order to receive the precepts at PSZC a person must perform each of the five zendo officer positions (jikijitsu, shoji, densu, mokugyo, and tenzo) for 6 months. Then the candidate takes the precepts class for a year. Classmates study and discuss how one’s actions affect others and how to act in ways that prevent suffering with the guidance of the abbot and prior preceptors.

Read more about the precepts here.

Qigong Saturday with Anshin

Relax. Breathe. Move.
Join us in the ancient practice of harmonizing body and mind using simple, easy to follow meditation in motion.

You will learn breathing techniques that generate free- flowing energy in the spirit of non achieving. and removing hindrances for health benefits. See our calendar page here for more details.

All are welcome. No experience necessary.

Zen Death Group

Talking about living and dying.
The Zen Death Group meets online twice monthly on the second and fourth Mondays from 12- to 1 or 1:15. We discuss, from a Buddhist perspective, issues surrounding death – our own and other’s – and how these experiences effect the way we live our lives. Members take turns facilitating the sessions and topics are predetermined. Often there are readings or other material that participants are invited to look at and ponder in advance if possible. New folks are very welcome. The meetings can be accessed through the standard PSZC Zoom link; 511-706-4990. Please contact for the password or if you have any questions.

Sangha Care Team

The Sangha Care Team, part of the Membership Committee, provides a structure for Sangha members to support one another through the difficult times we all inevitably face. They coordinate requested help such as meals, shopping, rides to doctors’ appointments, home and hospital visits and more.



There are opportunities to create your own interest group.

Please contact us for more info.
