10am – 12pm Sunday Service: Tenzin Dasel – Springing Into Awareness: Growing Our Practice Anew
April 6 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
As we mark the transition of seasons, let’s take time to clear obstacles to make pathways for wisdom and joy! It is an honor to be invited to share during your intentional days of practice, thank you so much for this opportunity.
Using guidance from the Four Noble Truths which guide all forms of Buddhist practice, we’ll embrace the idea of letting go of static perceptions of ourselves. By calling upon the wisdom of Prajnaparamita, the Mother of all Buddhas, we see attachment as a source of suffering and lean into the freedom found in letting go to embrace change.
The Second Noble Truth, the. arising of suffering, is fundamentally a refusal to let go. We must allow impermanence to dance through our lives, and by embracing dynamic change with unchanging awareness, we discover an opportunity to relax inwardly and outwardly.
To let go.