The Magic and Majesty of the Vimalakirti Sutra – Koshin Cain – 14 March 2021
Opening session of the 2021 intensive practice period...
Opening session of the 2021 intensive practice period...
What to watch while we watch and other insights from Giko...
Q&A between teacher Genko and the PSZC sangha...
Anthony Back, MD is a professor of medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle, and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Dr. Back is...
Christopher Ives is Professor of Religious Studies at Stonehill College. In his scholarship he focuses on ethics in Zen Buddhism, and currently he is working...
As we understand the way things are, our load is lightened....
Emperor Wu built temples and gave generously to sangha, but Bodhidharma tells him he gets no merit whatsoever for it. Generosity is the first of...
We’ve all had bad days, so what is Zen Master Ummon saying when he says, “Every day is a good day”? ...
Seigaku Kigen Ekeson, Osho, is the Abbot of the Bodhidharma Zendo in Vienna. He began koan practice 1987. He studied with Joshu Sasaki Roshi at Rinzai-ji, and...
Sunday morning dharma talk...
Saturday evening dharma talk...
Saturday morning talk...
Fall Sesshin Friday morning...
Impermanence is an obvious fact of life. But is it important? Why do we single it out in Buddhism? We practice with impermanence because a...
Bill Porter (literary name Red Pine) is one of the world’s leading translators and scholars of Chinese literary and religious texts, including sutras and poems....
Puget Sound Zen Center's first ever ordination ceremony led by Koshin Cain...
Learning to lose oneself in zazen meditation is a humbling experience. Learning to rely on no-self instills a quiet confidence - not the confidence of...
During tumultuous times equanimity is a quality that helps us remain centered, see more clearly, and act more wisely. Buddhism values this kind of composure...
Joe Marino is a lecturer at University of Washington. He will discuss metaphors and similes in early Buddhist sūtras, and their role in teaching Buddhist concepts....
Jiun Hosen is Abbess at the Bodhi Manda Zen Center in Jemez Springs, New Mexico...
What does ordination mean historically in the Buddhist tradition? How has its meaning changed? What does it mean to be lay ordained today at...
This talk will share frameworks used in Theravada meditation practice in a way that is relevant to our lives, our spiritual practice and the world...
Ancient teacher Huineng ( Eno in Japanese) is credited with these words: "Going and coming freely, the substance of mind without blockage - this is...
Josh Lawler is conservation biologist who has worked on forecasting climate impacts on plants and animals for the last 20 years. He'll talk a bit...
Allison has been the resident teacher of Seattle Soto Zen since 2019. She received the lay precepts from Zoketsu Norman Fischer in 2010. Allison was ordained...
Genko Kathy Blackman is an Adjunct Teacher at the Puget Sound Zen Center. She in the Rinzai Zen tradition under Genki Takabayashi Roshi at Chobo-Ji...
Eshin Hoju Godfrey is the guiding teacher and Osho of the Zen Centre of Vancouver. He trained under Sasaki Roshi, becoming a monk in 1982. Later...
Genko dharma talk (Zoom recording) on Sunday 19 April, third day of the online spring sesshin...
Koshin's dharma talk (Zoom recording) on Saturday 18 April, second day of the online spring sesshin...
Genko dharma talk (Zoom recording) on Friday 17 April, first day of the online spring sesshin...
April 5 - Nomon Tim Burnett - The Heart Sutra: Nothing is Certain, Everything is Free. Nomon is Guiding Teacher of the Red Cedar Zen...
March 29 - Koshin: “Empty of What?” Shunyata, or Emptiness, is central to Zen practice, and one of it's most misunderstood concepts. How can...
"Oh, Shariputra, Have You Not Heard? On the Compassion of Emptiness." Dr. Jason Tetsuzen Wirth is professor of philosophy at Seattle University. He was ordained a...
We'll look at the Heart Sutra as a text-what was its purpose as part of the larger Prajnaparamita collection of sutras? What can it tell...
How do we meditate in Zen? What are some techniques we can use for quieting down? What does posture have to do with it? In...
Ritual is central to every religious tradition known to us. Buddhist traditions are no exception.Even in the most streamlined of Zen traditions, meditation occurs in...
There’s a Zen story about a non-Buddhist who questions the Buddha. The Buddha doesn’t say a word, and the non-Buddhist comes away with a deep...
On February 9, 2020 Keri Pederson spoke at the PSZC on Finding (and Taking) Refuge: Reflections on trust, safety, and belonging in practice. Keri has...
Wes Borden discusses Case #13 of the Mumonkan: Tokusan Carries His Bowls - The Last Word of Zen on Feb. 2, 2020 at the PSZC....
Nansen famously told Joshu, “Ordinary mind is the way.” What did he mean, and what does it tell us about our practice? Koshin Chris Cain...
Zen Master Rinzai told his students to become people with nothing to do. How does that work? On January 19, 2020 - Rinzai’s Death Day...
Zen practice teaches us to see things anew, but first we have to learn to drop our everyday habitual way of seeing things. There’s a...
Marcie Rubardt on Dec. 29, 2019 explores at PSZC what it means to act from a firm and “fierce” commitment to STOP what is wrong...
'Sun-Faced Buddha, Moon-Faced Buddha: A Different Light.' Genko poses the question, Enlightenment - what's time got to do with it? On Sunday, December 15, 2019,...
What happened under that Bodhi Tree 2500 years ago, and what can it teach those of us who sit under different trees? Koshin Chris Cain...
Elizabeth Fitterer talks about the Sanskrit language, its place in history and religious philosophy, the struggles and joys of being a Sanskrit student, and how...
One sure way to a more grateful heart — understanding our interconnection more deeply. Koshin Chris Cain speaks on Interdependence and Gratitude on November 24,...
Leni Torvbråten is a member of Rinzai Zen Center in Oslo and has for the last 9 months been practicing with sanghas in India, Myanmar,...
Giko David Rubin speaks at the Zen Center on November 4, 2019...
Genko Kathy Blackman speaks at the Zen Center on October 27, 2019....
Koshin Chris Cain speaks at the Fall 2019 retreat at Camp Sealth....
Koshin Chris Cain speaks at the Fall 2019 retreat at Camp Sealth....
Koshin Chris Cain speaks at the Fall 2019 retreat at Camp Sealth....
On October 13 , 2019 the Rev James Farwell speaks about, "What Is the Meaning of My Neighbor’s Faith for My Own?” Spiritual traditions normally think...
Jim Hunziker speaks at the Zen Center on Oct. 6, 2019 about his volunteer work....
Genko Kathy Blackman speaks at the Zen Center on Sept. 29, 2019....
Every six months we switch officer positions in the zendo - the Shoji (tea server), the Jiki (meditation leader) and so forth. Together they are...
Learn a new way to understand Buddhism and the spectrum of unhappiness to inner happiness, by examining the 4 +1 Noble Truths from the perspective...
Eko Jeff Kelley from Seattle Soto Zen discusses Heroism and Humility at the Puget Sound Zen Center during a full day sit on Saturday July 13,...
Koshin Cain answers questions at Puget Sound Zen Center on September 1, 2019. ...
How does our practice lead to kindness and love? How can this kindness best help others?...
Genko Kathy Blackman speaks at the Zen Center on Aug. 11, 2019....
Beth Glennon, who has completed her chaplaincy training though Upaya Zen Center, finds compassion all around in her work at Harborview Medical Center. Beth spoke...
Genko Kathy Blackman talks of the interdependence of cause and effect at the Zen Center on July 28, 2019....
Dylan Thomas’s poem points us to a truth that Buddhism uncovers: We share the world of life and death with everything. Koshin speaks at the...