Join us for one of our services at the Zendo: 18005 Vashon Highway SW, Vashon, WA 98070, (previously Island Funeral Services.) Feel free to come 10 minutes early for instruction, or just jump right in.

  • Sunday Service: 10:00am-12pm
    Early Sunday Sit: 8:30-9:30am
  • Monday – Friday: 6:30-7:30am
  • Monday Evening: 7:00-8:45pm
  • Wednesday Evening: 7:00-8:30pm


March 29 -  Koshin: “Empty of What?”   Shunyata, or Emptiness, is central to Zen practice, and one of it's most misunderstood concepts. How can...

How do we meditate in Zen? What are some techniques we can use for quieting down? What does posture have to do with it? In...

Ritual is central to every religious tradition known to us. Buddhist traditions are no exception.Even in the most streamlined of Zen traditions, meditation occurs in...

On February 9, 2020  Keri Pederson spoke at the PSZC on Finding (and Taking) Refuge: Reflections on trust, safety, and belonging in practice. Keri has...

Nansen famously told Joshu, “Ordinary mind is the way.” What did he mean, and what does it tell us about our practice? Koshin Chris Cain...

Zen Master Rinzai told his students to become people with nothing to do.  How does that work? On January 19, 2020 - Rinzai’s Death Day...

Zen practice teaches us to see things anew, but first we have to learn to drop our everyday habitual way of seeing things.  There’s a...

'Sun-Faced Buddha, Moon-Faced Buddha: A Different Light.' Genko poses the question, Enlightenment - what's time got to do with it? On Sunday, December 15, 2019,...

Elizabeth Fitterer talks about the Sanskrit language, its place in history and religious philosophy, the struggles and joys of being a Sanskrit student, and how...

One sure way to a more grateful heart — understanding our interconnection more deeply. Koshin Chris Cain speaks on Interdependence and Gratitude on November 24,...

Genko Kathy Blackman speaks at the Zen Center on October 27, 2019....

Jim Hunziker speaks at the Zen Center on Oct. 6, 2019 about his volunteer work....

Every six months we switch officer positions in the zendo - the Shoji (tea server), the Jiki (meditation leader) and so forth.  Together they are...

Eko Jeff Kelley from Seattle Soto Zen discusses Heroism and Humility at the Puget Sound Zen Center during a full day sit on Saturday July 13,...

Koshin Cain answers questions at Puget Sound Zen Center on September 1, 2019.  ...

Beth Glennon, who has completed her chaplaincy training though Upaya Zen Center, finds compassion all around in her work at Harborview Medical Center. Beth spoke...

Genko Kathy Blackman talks of the interdependence of cause and effect at the Zen Center on July 28, 2019....

In Zen, freedom is gained by facing, not running away. Koshin Cain speaks at the Zen Center on July 3, 2019....

Koshin talks of the value to us as individuals and to our community of ritual, especially those maintained in our zen services....

Death and loss pervade the fabric of life, yet we spend a great deal of energy pushing this reality away. What would happen if, instead...

Hakuin Zenji’s Song in Praise of Zazen begins, “From the beginning, all beings are Buddha”. What does that mean? Is it true? Wes trained at the Rochester Zen Center,...

While the ancient Greeks did not like the concept of zero one bit, the ancient Indians ran with it. Working with our aversion to emptiness can be...

The Buddha identified two bright, natural qualities of the heart-mind as the roots of our ethical sensitivity, and therefore ‘guardians of the world.’  How can...

Robbie Rohr, Executive Director of the Vashon Maury Community Food Bank, has been working in the fields of human services and social justice for 40 years....

How do we build a healthy community? Koshin Cain speaks at the Zen Center, March 3, 2019....

On his deathbed the Buddha told his disciples to have confidence in the teaching, the disciplines, and in themselves.  Koshin Cain speaks at the Zen Center,...